Παθολόγος Κώστας Βαρδάκας


Hyperlipidemia is defined as a pathological condition in which one or more lipid fractions in the blood (total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol) are elevated.

One of the main factors in the development of this pathological condition is the diet and especially its high fat content, especially the saturated fats and trans fats found in fatty parts of meat, baked goods, prawns, cakes, pastries, fast food and others. So our main goal in dealing with this disease is to reduce the consumption of high-fat foods and thus reduce weight if necessary.

Hyperlipidemia is largely due to heredity. It is also important to note that the factors affecting heredity are not only due to genetic factors but also to the dietary habits of individuals. High levels of blood lipids increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. More specifically, LDL cholesterol, which accumulates in the walls of the coronary arteries, is responsible for the most common form of heart disease, which is coronary artery disease. In the case of hyperlipidemia, we exclude or limit enough, certain categories of foods such as animal butter, whole dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt), cream, nuts, chips, chocolates, alcoholic beverages, high-fat sweets, bacon, animal offal, all fatty meats (lamb, beef, pork), all cured meats, canned meats, fried foods and various other foods that burden the state of health. The recommended nutritional methodology to reduce lipid levels in the diet includes: Diet low in saturated and trans fats. Saturated fats are found in some meats, dairy products, baked and frozen foods, and processed foods. Trans fats are found in some fried and unprocessed foods. Both types of fat raise levels of LDL cholesterol, or "bad" cholesterol. Diet high in omega-3 fatty acids. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include fish and olive oil. High fiber diet. This includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables. A diet rich in these elements helps you lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides by providing you with nutrients that can help protect against heart disease. Diet low in salt and sugar. A low-salt diet can help you manage your blood pressure, while a low-sugar diet can prevent you from gaining weight and manage diabetes or its onset. Reduce body weight, if necessary Increase physical activity Increase intake of indigestible fiber by strengthening the diet, with lots of vegetables, fruits, bread and whole grains


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